BIO-DQS is a standard developed by DQS Polska Sp. z o.o. recognized by the European Commission as equivalent to Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of June 28, 2007 on organic production and labeling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.

Certification for compliance with the BIO-DQS standard is carried out by DQS Polska Sp. z o.o. to the extent and in the countries that are included in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2325 - link:

The BIO-DQS certificate ensures that products meet high quality standards and are produced in a sustainable, environmentally friendly manner and in compliance with organic production regulations. As a result, these products can carry organic logos and labels that are recognized and respected by consumers throughout the European Union.

Obtaining BIO-DQS certification not only facilitates access to European markets, but also strengthens the company's image as a responsible manufacturer that cares about the environment. Companies that choose to be certified according to the BIO-DQS standard gain a competitive advantage, building trust among customers and business partners through transparency and compliance with strict environmental standards.

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Export of organic products to the EU

Participate in the supply chain of organic products entering the EU by non-EU entities

Use of references to organic production methods in advertising and commercial documents

Use of the organic production logo in accordance with the rules set forth in EU regulations


BIO DQS certification confirms:

  • Exclusion of the use of GMOs and products made from or using GMOs
  • Not exposing organic food or feed or raw materials used in organic food or feed to ionizing radiation
  • Ensuring food processing by environmentally friendly methods (biological, physical, mechanical).
  • Participate in the establishment of a sustainable agricultural management system (improving soil fertility, maintaining biodiversity, responsible use of energy and natural resources)



BIO-DQS certification - for whom?

Farmers, processors and suppliers of organic products who obtain BIO-DQS certification can expect higher profits. Products marked with the certificate enjoy high recognition among consumers, which translates into increased sales and customer loyalty. BIO-DQS certification enables suppliers to participate in prestigious organic markets, strengthening their position in the market.We invite farmers, processors and suppliers of organic products from third countries to participate in the certification of organic products. Every stage of production matters - from cultivation to processing to export.


How to become a participant

The first step is to register with DQS Poland. For this purpose you can use the application form for certification available here: Application Form


The completed application should be sent to the following email address:

After checking the completeness of the application and its acceptance by DQS Poland, the customer receives a certification agreement. Subsequent stages of certification are carried out in accordance with the procedures of the BIO-DQS certification program.

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BIO-DQS certification process flow

The Client reports to DQS Poland the scope of its activities in the application for BIO-DQS certification.

DQS Poland verifies the scope of certification on the basis of the data contained in the application. In case of doubt we contact the Client.

DQS Poland conducts an inspection at the Client's place of business.

Based on the inspection and evidence collected, DQS Poland conducts the Conformity Assessment stage.

An assessment for compliance with requirements is conducted. Collected data is discussed, and corrective actions are agreed upon in case of non-compliance.

Once the nonconformities are closed, a full assessment is conducted in accordance with the BIO-DQS standard.

After a positive Conformity Assessment, DQS Poland issues a certificate.

Certificates issued by DQS Poland are made available in a list on the website - here: (link to this database is essential)

And last step to be added here:


DQS Poland conducts continuous supervision of the certified Client.

The supervision includes announced and/or unannounced inspections.


How much does BIO DQS certification cost

The cost of BIO DQS certification depends, among other things, on the size of your company and the complexity of your processes. We will be happy to provide you with a customized offer for your company without obligation.


Why you should rely on DQS for BIO DQS certification

  • Many years of activity in the field of organic farming in Europe and worldwide
  • Extensive sector knowledge and experience
  • Competent organic farming inspectors
  • Passion and professionalism for the certification process in the areas of sustainability
Close up view of combine harvester pouring a tractor-trailer with grain during harvesting.

BIO-DQS Documentation

Find the required documents and information for the BIO DQS Certification

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Ask for offer


We will be happy to provide you with a customized offer for the certification of the BIO-DQS standard.