The International Automotive Task Force (IATF) has published the IATF Rules Ed6 from Apr 1, 2024. The Rules will become effective from Jan 1, 2025. Significant revisions have been introduced, to enhance certification eligibility, audit processes, and overall efficiency. In this blog, we will introduce some key changes associated with our clients, according to the author's understanding, for reference purpose.

Section 1.0 Eligibility for certification

  • “Automotive Vehicles” are defined as “Homologated Vehicles” that are intended to be driven on public roads.
  • "Replacement Parts and materials” belong to automotive products.
  • Only one Certification Body (CB) audits a manufacturing site or a standalone remote location.
  • The CB audits a Standalone Remote Location must be the CB for a site supported by the Remote Location.

Section 1.1 Certification structure

  • Criteria for Extended Manufacturing Site (EMS):
    - EMS & main site must be in one legal entity and one QMS.
    - EMS must be within 10 miles (16 km) and 60 minutes' driving distance from main site.
    - EMS gets supports only from main site and/or provides supports only to main site.
    - Common management for main site and EMS.

Section 2.5.2 Conflictsof interest

  • The CB can't provide QMS related consulting service to the certified client.
    (The restriction is reduced to QMS related services, such as supplier audits, Tailor-made Internal Auditor courses.)

Section 5.1.1 Audit cycle

For a Manufacturing Site:

  • Two annual surveillance audits for a site in a 3-year Audit Cycle.
  • The interval for surveillance audits will be -3/+3 months from the anniversary date (the last audit end day of initial/transfer/recertification audit).
  • Absence of surveillance audit in required interval will lead to certificate withdrawal within 7 days.
  • (No change for Recertification Audit: -3/+0 months from anniversary date, and plan sufficient time to allow NC closure and report approval before certificate expiration.)

Section 5.2 Audit daysdetermination

  • When more than 1 auditor in the audit team, each auditor shall perform no less than 1 audit day.
  • Remove Pre-audit On-site Information Verification.
  • For a change to certification scope (including locations, functions, processes and products as defined in Clause 10), add audit time to verify impact from the change.
  • Audit time (per Table 5.2 q) to verify actions for poor performance to IATF OEM Customers.
  • When not possible, add Special Audit within 60 days after audit.
  • Audit duration = Audit Days (per Table 5.2) + “Additional Audit Time”
  • Additional Audit Time includes
    - Audit planning time,
    - Audit time for poor performance to IATF OEM Customers,
    - Audit time to verify minor NCs from last audit (0.5 to 1 hr / minor NC),
    - Audit time to verify Major NCs in a Special Audit (1 to 3 hrs / major NC),
    - Translation time (+20% for that part), when required.
    - Audit time for scope or other significant changes, relocation, etc.
  • 1 Audit Day = 8 hrs, including time for shift audit.
  • Audit Duration <= 10 hrs / calendar day.
  • Audit Days and Additional Audit Time will be entered in IATF Database.


Section 5.4 Audit Days reductions

When determining minimum audit days according to Table 5.2:

  • For a Corporate Audit Scheme, <= 15% reduction .
  • All factors together <= 30% reduction.

Section 5.5.1 Audit Program for Remote Locations

For a standalone Remote Location:

  • After Initial/Transfer Audit, only Surveillance Audits, without Recertification Audit.
  • For design, annual audit within -3/+3 months from the anniversary date.
  • For other functions, at least once within 24 months (-3/+3 months from the anniversary date).
  • Absence of surveillance audit within required interval will lead to Initial Audit.

Section 5.6.2 IATF Observers

IATF Observers (not witness auditor) shall be allowed to observe the whole audits, with exception for confidential client data.

Section 5.7 Audit Planning

  • Add at least 0.5 day for audit planning, and input into IATF database.
  • Confirmation of Audit date for Surveillance/Recertification/Transfer Audit: at least 90 days before audit, otherwise postpone audit.

Section 5.7.1 Audit Planning Information

  • The client shall provide audit planning information at least 30 days before audit.
  • Otherwise, the CB shall consider to postpone the audit to ensure audit plan to client at least 14 days before audit.
  • The client shall information about the received QMS related consulting service since last audit.
  • If Management Review Record is not provided due to confidential consideration, add at least 2 hours for On-site Information Verification before Opening Meeting, as part of the Audit Planning Time to IATF database.

Section Systematic Problem Solving

  • To issue Major NC, if no effective actions in time to address customer reported performance issues.

Section 5.11.1 Major NCs

Client must provide initial responses to major NCs, including corrections, root causes, corrective action plan, etc, within 15 calendar days, and further responses with corrective actions and their effectiveness verifications within 60 calendar days.

Section 5.11.2 Minor NCs

(No change. Just state here for comparison.)
Client must provide initial responses to minor NCs, including containment actions, corrections, corrective actions and their effectiveness verifications, within 60 calendar days.

Section 5.11.3 CB Responsibilities

Without receiving responses to NCs in time as stated above, withdraw certificate.

Section 5.15 Relocation

  • Relocation of a certified site to a non-certified site: Initial Audit.
  • Relocation of a standalone Remote Location: Special Audit or Extra Time to a Regular Audit.

Section 7.3 Remote Audit

  • Remote audit can be applied to audit remote working employees, during an on-site audit.
  • Remote Audit can be applied only to a RL without process for product or materials handling (refer to Appendix 2), for no more than once in two consecutive surveillance audits.
  • Remote Audit shall NOT be applied when on-site audit is required according to Clause 5.11 or 8.0.

Section 8.3 Suspension Decision

If suspension is due to performance complaint, the client shall provide response in IATF CMS, within 20 days after receiving suspension notification.


Above introduction has NOT covered all the changes to the Rules, and doesn't intend to replace the use of the original rules. The author's understanding may not be 100% correct. The associated organizations are strongly recommended to buy the new rules and read them carefully, before making a decision.

About DQS

  • DQS is the 1st Certification Body approved by IATF for ISO/TS 16949 certification service, which is replaced by IATF 16949 certification at present.
  • Meanwhile, DQS Academy provides professional IATF 16949 Internal Auditor and Core Tools Training Courses.
DQS Global

"In everything we do, we set the highest standards for quality and competence in every project. This makes our actions the benchmark for our industry, but also our own mission statement, which we renew every day"


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