In de steeds veranderende wereld van regelgeving en naleving is het van cruciaal belang om de ontwikkelingen voor te blijven en proactief te zijn. Eén zo'n gebied dat onze aandacht vraagt is de uitbreiding van de Declaration of Application (DoA) van de Medical Device Regulation (MDR). Hoewel het verleidelijk kan zijn om te relaxen en het aanvraagproces uit te stellen, is het belangrijk om slim en anticyclisch te werk te gaan. In deze blogpost gaan we in op het belang van proactief zijn en geven we richtlijnen over hoe je effectief door de komende deadlines kunt navigeren.

The Urgency of the Situation

Upon learning about the extension of the MDR DoA, it's understandable to assume that more time is now available to prepare the necessary documents. However, this assumption is far from reality. The clock is ticking, and there is no time to waste. By May 25th, 2024, which is less than a year away, you must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to your chosen Notified Body. Just four months after that, the application must be mutually accepted and signed.

The Techfile Challenge

To successfully pass through the gate of regulatory compliance, you will need to provide a comprehensive Techfile that includes up to 80 different documents. Based on experience, the process may require several iterations before everything is in order. Given the complexity and potential hurdles, it is critical to start the application process without delay.

Avoiding the Last-Minute Rush

As the deadline approaches, the number of stragglers scrambling to meet the requirements will inevitably increase. By getting ahead of the curve and applying now, you can avoid the uncertainty and stress associated with being a last-minute applicant. Getting ahead of the curve not only increases your chances of a smooth approval process, but also allows ample time for any necessary revisions or clarifications.

Partnering with DQS

At DQS, we understand the challenges and intricacies of the MDR application process. Our dedicated team is ready to support you every step of the way. Whether you have questions regarding the application requirements, documentation, or any other aspect, we are here to provide expert guidance and assistance. By leveraging our knowledge and experience, you can navigate the MDR application process with confidence.


In the world of medical device regulation, being proactive and anti-cyclical is the key to success. The extension of the MDR DoA should not be seen as an invitation to postpone the application process. Instead, it should serve as a reminder to be smart and start now. By submitting your LOI and preparing a comprehensive Techfile, you will position yourself ahead of the competition and minimize uncertainty. Remember, the clock is ticking, but with the right support and timely action, you can meet the MDR requirements and achieve compliance. Contact the DQS team today and start your journey to MDR compliance.


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Michael Bothe

Michael Bothe staat aan het hoofd van de beslissingscommissie voor certificering van Actieve Medische Hulpmiddelen en is tevens lead auditor. Hij is ook betrokken bij standaardisatie bij het Duitse Instituut voor Standaardisatie (DIN) en de Duitse Commissie voor Elektrotechnische, Elektronische & Informatietechnologieën (DKE) en coördineert nascholingsactiviteiten voor klanten. Zijn interesses omvatten zowel geïntegreerde audits als procesoptimalisatie van conformiteitsbeoordelingsprocedures.


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