
IFS audits in times of Corona - Everything you need to know
"If IFS audits cannot take place on time, the certificate will expire. Renewal of the certificate is
4月 21, 2020
# 食品安全
Circular economy: Certification with ISCC Plus
A "plastic tax" is to be introduced in Europe from 2021. This was decided at the EU summit on Corona
3月 15, 2020
# 環境管理
Preventing Product Fraud: IFS Product Integrity Assessment (PIA)
Progressive globalization, complex legal requirements and increased consumer demands - all these fac
2月 23, 2020
# 食品安全
Taxonomy - European Classification System for Sustainable Management
How exactly is sustainable management defined? Opinions are still divided on this question. However,
1月 26, 2020
# 永續發展報告與ESG指標
Implementing human rights due diligence: What role do social audits play?
While the debate is still ongoing in Germany, human rights due diligence is already a done deal in m
1月 07, 2020
# 供應鏈中的社會稽核
From renewable raw material to sustainable product: ISCC Plus for food, feed, packaging and chemicals.
Any company that wants to emphasize the sustainability of its products is encouraged to take respons
11月 24, 2019
# 環境管理


# label